Home The Ultimate RelationshipHealth & Wellness Hydrate for Health and Live Better, Longer

Hydrate for Health and Live Better, Longer

written by Marlene Watson-Tara September 29, 2018
Dehydration - Hydrate for Health

What Causes Dehydration?

Water -The Elixir of all Life

1) Stress!  When people are feeling stressed, it causes dehydration and when they are dehydrated, it causes stress to the body. This creates a catch-22 situation.

Diuretic drinks, tea, coffee, alcohol, soft drinks, like diet coke, chocolate and sugary drinks all dehydrate us.

2) Over challenging foods. The worst of these is junk food (which is not really food). Also, unclean food, i.e. foods that have been treated with chemicals like pesticides, the wrong balance of food, eating foods out of season and non-indigenous foods.

3) Pollution. Air pollution, noise pollution, etc.

4) Traveling. This is especially true of air travel.

5) Electrical circuitry. Particularly PCs and mobile phones. They dehydrate us big time!

6) Air conditioning. Dry, hot and cold air, recycled air; they all dehydrate.

7) Drugs. This includes prescribed and social, especially antibiotics.

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