Home The Ultimate RelationshipHumanity Upgrade How to Use the Power Tools You Received at Birth

How to Use the Power Tools You Received at Birth

written by Dina Marais June 25, 2019
How to Use the Power Tools You Received at Birth

We are all granted certain “power tools” at our birth, and these tools are our thoughts and emotions. As you read on, you will learn that the secret to getting what you desire is to feel as you would without having certain things first. Instead, you use your thoughts and emotions to achieve your desires.

What does this mean, exactly? Well, we all want certain things because of the way they make us feel. And we like those feelings so much that we want to feel that way all the time. So it’s natural for us to want more things to feel that way. However, what if you could feel that way without having to get more things?

If you look closely at the way it is you want to feel all the time, it is a high-quality-of-life feeling, a feeling of well-being. These are elevated emotions of joy, gratitude, abundance, prosperity, etc., that are our natural way of being. They represent our true nature and our true way of being. Yet, most of us are so used to feeling things like despair, fear, depression, frustration, and anger – the opposite of our true way-of-being.

What, then, is preventing you from experiencing beautiful, elevated emotions?

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