Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit How to Practice Daily Mindfulness and Meditation to Cope with Stresses of Daily Life

How to Practice Daily Mindfulness and Meditation to Cope with Stresses of Daily Life

written by Lauren Rice February 2, 2021
Daily Mindfulness and Meditation to Cope with Stresses

What does it mean to be ‘mindful’? How do you know if you’re actually meditating? Daily mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and all kinds of practices are becoming more popular as many struggle with the stresses of daily life.

There are lots of excellent resources online for anyone who would like to learn how to meditate, which is just a word to describe the use of a practice or technique to focus or train the mind to achieve various positive outcomes. Everything from better attention to increased ability to solve problems and increased awareness and peace of mind are all proven benefits. Meditation and/or daily mindfulness is also a spiritual practice for many who utilize it. See the studies below.

The Stresses of Life

My clinical experience as a nutritional therapist taught me that food choices are foundational to health. You cannot have a healthy body without putting healthy foods in it. Though, as I became more interested in what was unique about each person I worked with, as well as what was consistently impactful for all of my clients, I could see clearly that their mindset and personal relationships mattered a great deal.

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