Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation How to Master the Art of Not Taking Things So Personally

How to Master the Art of Not Taking Things So Personally

written by John Amodeo, PhD, MFT June 22, 2021
Not Taking Things So Personally

We know that taking things personally can set us up for disappointment. But what does it really mean to not take things personally? And what needs to happen inside us so that we don’t?

It’s painful to be slammed with shaming or critical comments, such as, “You only think about yourself,” or, “How can you be so ignorant?” It hurts to be objectified as a person with repulsive traits rather than be seen in our goodness, beauty, and wholeness.

As human beings, we affect each other. We’re not immune to feeling injured when a friend or loved one sears us with a dismissive comment. But how we relate to our feelings and understand the situation can make the difference between wallowing in misery and moving on.

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