Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics How to Help Our Children in a Digital Age

How to Help Our Children in a Digital Age

written by Eugene K. Choi November 15, 2019
How to Help Our Children in a Digital Age

Before the internet ever existed we were able to update only a few select people about our lives at a time by meeting together or talking over the phone. This has dramatically changed over the years, and now we live in a hyper-connected society where we have the digital apps and tools to broadcast every second of our lives to hundreds of people if we wanted to.

The advent of social media has brought about revolutionary ways to communicate with each other, but there is still one big problem that needs to be addressed: Many relationships have become more superficial.

The reason why many people share on social media has become less about connecting with others and more about impressing them.

Disconnecting People

For most, rather than social media being a tool to help you feel more connected with a group of friends, it has become an addictive feedback loop of constantly posting something and then checking on it hoping to see that people are acknowledging you. By doing this, you allow your self-worth to be determined by the number of how many likes or comments you get.

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