Home The Ultimate RelationshipHumanity Upgrade How to Future-Proof Our Children

How to Future-Proof Our Children

Humanity Upgrade: Age of Transformation

written by Patrick Ow July 17, 2018
How to Future-Proof Our Children
We know that the future of work is so challenging now and for our future generations.  Parents today have no choice but to take a more active role in future-proofing their children, helping them to be future-ready and job-ready by acquiring employable and portable skills.
With the breakdown of social contracts between governments, businesses, workers, and unions, we have no choice but to take things into our own hands.  We have to take charge of our future and help our children start right.

I am always reminded that people don’t plan to fail. Instead, we worry, procrastinate, and fail to plan for our future. We just don’t take action now but wait for things to happen. Let’s take the example of an aircraft emergency. Parents are required to put on their own air-masks first before putting masks on their children. It is, therefore, vital for parents to be equipped with the required knowledge and understanding to future-proof themselves first.

Knowledge is king. Once parents have acquired and applied knowledge for themselves, they are in a better position to future-proof and guide their own children.

It’s so important for parents to future-proof their children now.

Much research is conducted and many papers are written on the topic of how automation and robots will eliminate and create jobs in the future. The predictions of how many new jobs are created and how many existing jobs will be eliminated in the future because of automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are varied. Some are pessimistic. Some are optimistic. Regardless of what you think, what’s certain and inevitable is the fact that there will be new jobs created and existing jobs eliminated.

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