Single-parent families are a common theme in today’s world. According to, “the second most common family arrangement [in the United States] is children living with a single mother, at 23 percent.” Between 1960 and 2016, the number of children living in families with two parents dropped by 19 percent, and children living with a single father increased by three percent. ( These statistics are an indication that living in a single-parent household is becoming more of an everyday situation. The general consensus is that single parenting is not an easy job; after all, a single parent is taking on the very monumental task of raising children and doing it completely on his/her own! It is, arguably, one of the toughest gigs out there. While it is not easy, it is a situation where one does not need to look far for support, when needed.
How Single Parents Feel When Going at it Alone

Colleen Tirtirian
Colleen was named editor for Relationship Development & Transformation in 2017. Her passion is the written word, and she enjoys the process of working with other writers. When she is not editing, you can find Colleen working on her own writing. Colleen also does work alongside her husband at AR&AR Jewelry in New York City. Previously, she worked as a middle school language arts teacher and special educator. For her undergraduate studies, Colleen attended Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey. She then earned her master’s degree from Montclair State University in 2012.