Home Pride LifeLGBT Family Dynamics Growing up a Gay Mormon

Growing up a Gay Mormon

written by Adam Blum January 30, 2020
Growing up a Gay Mormon

Wyatt Darling, MFT, a Gay Therapy Center psychotherapist based in Los Angeles, was raised in the Mormon Church. One of his specialties is working with LGBTQ people on their path to self-acceptance as they recover from childhood exposure to homophobia in a religious context. In this interview, Wyatt talks to Adam D. Blum, the Founder and Director of the Gay Therapy Center about his personal experiences and professional beliefs.

The Interview

Adam D. Blum: Wyatt, can you tell us a little bit about growing up in the Church of Latter Day Saints?

Wyatt Darling: For Mormons like me, religion wasn’t just about church, God, and spirituality. Religion was my entire community. It was a part of everything I did. At school or at the grocery store, I was always confronted with the religion.

As a young child, it felt very safe. I liked that everyone practiced the same thing. The downside was that I was exposed to a very limited view of the world.

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