Home The Ultimate RelationshipFood & Nutrition Going Vegan: When Your Family or Friends Aren’t on Board

Going Vegan: When Your Family or Friends Aren’t on Board

written by Ella Magers November 5, 2020
Going Vegan: When Your Family or Friends Aren't on Board

Based on a recent survey we did with our podcast listeners, going vegan without the support of your family or friends is a struggle that a lot of people share when going vegan.

My story is exceptional in that I knew when I was just 7 years old that eating animals was a hard “No.” It didn’t matter to me one bit that nobody I knew was vegetarian. At 15 I fully understood the suffering of all farm animals and went fully vegan and knew my purpose in life was to save animals. My compassion for animals ran so deep that ridicule was not a deterrence. (My family followed in my footsteps and went vegetarian and then vegan as well!)

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