Last summer, I ran a 20-day experimental program where 513 Western women were given one simple, fun, and powerful Asian slimming tip to try each day. People who followed through the program lost a stunning amount of weight naturally. However, the most interesting part of it was one surprising fact we’ve found about motivation when it comes to weight loss. To show you that, I need to tell you about this Teassert Technique I included as a part of the program. The technique was aimed at muting sugar cravings instantly. If you’ve been trying to lose weight for a while, you’d know it’s one of the toughest challenges among millions of overweight and obese people in the US. In this two-part article, I will teach you a four-part system to get motivated to lose weight (while continually losing weight) without trying.
How the Teassert Technique Motivates You to Lose Weight
How much motivation does it require someone who has sugar addiction to refrain from sugar every hour, every day, and every year? The conventional wisdom is “a lot.”
Now, don’t be shocked. The foolproof Teassert Technique has led everyone to an amazing shortcut, and here’s how it worked:
Whenever you have that donut, put a warm green tea on the side. For every bite of the donut, have 3 sips of the tea.
The result? You’ll stop wanting the donut instantly.
In fact, the “teassert” (tea + dessert) is a millennia-old East Asian tradition that’s not uncommon to see in almost every household in China, Korea, and Japan. The rationale is to use the bitter tastants in green tea to counteract your body’s sugar response, as modern science has found out.