Home Pride LifeLGBT Family Dynamics Gay and Lesbian Parenthood – The Basis Issues

Gay and Lesbian Parenthood – The Basis Issues

written by Dr. Brand Doubell July 9, 2018
Sleeping with Baby- Gay and Lesbian Parenthood – The Basis Issues

There are a lot of emotions in the room when the topic of gay and lesbian (from here on, I will use the term “gay” as including both genders in same-sex relationships) parenthood are raised. Many straight people, especially religious straight people, feel that gay couples aren’t able to raise kids successfully. For obvious reasons, gay people feel the opposite. I would like to write a few articles on the basic issues of parenthood in this debate. As a learned religious person, I understand the doubts straight people have. As a parent I understand the seriousness of the debate, and as a gay parent, I might throw a bit of light on the gay side of the debate.

In my mind there are three basic issues in the debate: Firstly, that a child needs two genders to be raised successfully. Secondly, that children need a stable relationship to be raised successfully. Thirdly, that children need “normal” parents to be raised successfully. Some straight people feel that gay couples do not represent both genders, they do not have stable relationships, and they aren’t “normal” in their perspective of normality. Gay people try hard to convince others that these arguments are unfounded.

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