Home The Ultimate RelationshipHealth & Wellness Freedom from Cravings

Freedom from Cravings

written by Marlene Watson-Tara September 18, 2018
Freedom from Cravings

Freedom from Cravings

One of the reasons I created my online course, Weight Loss Nature’s Way, was to introduce people to a simple, inexpensive and effective way to achieve healthy weight loss. I wanted to demonstrate how a healthy diet was delicious and sustainable and how you could lose weight, not be hungry, gain vitality and stay that way.

As clients began to use the programme, one of the first things they mentioned was how surprised they were that the cravings they experienced in the past didn’t seem to be such a problem. Well, there are good reasons for that, and while I will not guarantee you will never crave a bar of chocolate again (or even have one), it is important that we understand the psychology and the biology of cravings and how to diminish their hold over what we eat.

This all inspired me to write my e-book, Freedom From Cravings.

The Chemistry of Cravings

Wouldn’t it be nice if logic and common sense ruled our food choices? We could simply do the research, think things through, and get on with eating healthy food and enjoy every minute of it.  We would eat the foods that help us lose weight, never be hungry and stay healthy with no looking back. After all, what’s stopping us?  We all know the answer to that question: habits and cravings.

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