Home Pride LifeLGBT Lifestyle Feeling Isolated and LGBTQ Experience

Feeling Isolated and LGBTQ Experience

written by Adam Blum November 6, 2019
Feeling Isolated and LGBTQ Experience

You’ve heard it before. Modern life can be a lonely place. Most people are struggling with this, but LGBT people can feel especially isolated. It comes with the territory of being different. And you’ve always been different.

As a teenager, you never could fully join the exciting conversations and social rituals around opposite-sex attraction.  You may have faked it, but you never were really a part of it.

While all your friends were crushing on the movie stars of the day, you silently longed for all the wrong ones.

Even the nerdy, heterosexual outcasts in your school belonged in a way you didn’t.  Because they were straight, they really didn’t have to question if they were a member of the human race. At an unconscious level, many LGBT people don’t feel like a member of the human race. We can feel like a different species; somewhere between male and female.

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