Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerConflict Management: What Love is Not Expressing Hidden Anger with Passive-Aggressiveness

Expressing Hidden Anger with Passive-Aggressiveness

written by Andrea Brandt, PHD, MFT April 16, 2020
Expressing Hidden Anger with Passive-Aggressiveness

How do you know if you use passive-aggressiveness in your relationship to express your hidden anger?

When you’ve hidden your anger from everyone, including yourself, it can be hard to see what’s really there. When you conceal your anger, the best indicator may be what is not seen or expressed.

Are You Passive-Aggressive?

Anger is a healthy and universal emotion, so one sign that you use passive-aggressive strategies to deal with anger is if you don’t feel or experience that emotion somewhat regularly. If your response to this is, “But it’s true! I never feel angry,” you should definitely consider the possibility that you fall into this group, and you should pay special attention to this article. To find out if you suffer from hidden anger, answer the following questions.

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