Home The Ultimate RelationshipHealth & Wellness Even a Small Amount of Alcohol Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Even a Small Amount of Alcohol Increases Breast Cancer Risk

written by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. January 29, 2020
Even a Small Amount of Alcohol Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Constantly, we hear that moderate consumption of alcohol, especially red wine, is beneficial for cardiovascular health. However, when it comes to cancer risk, any amount of alcohol is risky. A 2014 report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded that there is no safe amount of alcohol when it comes to cancer risk.1,2 Alcohol is now considered a cause of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, colorectum, breast, and liver, and is linked to other cancers, too.1,3,4

Isn’t Red Wine Good for Heart Health?

Some of red wine’s benefit is thought to be due to resveratrol, a phytochemical in grape skins that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may help protect against cardiovascular disease (CVD).5  However, the majority of the reduction in CVD risk is actually from the inhibition of blood clotting by the alcohol. At this point in time, it is unknown whether resveratrol provides additional benefits over the anti-coagulation effects.6

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