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Drop the Stone

Part One

written by Rick Hanson June 13, 2019
Drop the Stone

As we begin a new year, it’s natural for many people to consider how to make it a good one. Besides taking action in the outer world – from fixing a dripping faucet to feeding every child – we can act inside our own minds . . . and take the benefits with us wherever we go. This year, what do you think are the top five things you can do inside yourself to be happier, stronger, wiser, and more loving?

In this JOT and those that follow, I’ll suggest my own top five:

  1. Drop the Stone
  2. Let It Flow
  3. Learn As You Go
  4. “Us” All “Thems”
  5. Be Amazed

Drop the Stone

So, what do I mean by “drop the stone”?

Most of us are lugging around at least one thing that is a needless burden. Such as holding on to resentments, worrying over and over about the same thing, or trying to make someone love you who won’t. It’s like a load on your back, a weight in your hands, that you really don’t have to carry each day.

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