Home Family & SocietyRelationship with Life & Society Drag Queen Story Hour with Miss Annie

Drag Queen Story Hour with Miss Annie

written by Edie Weinstein August 13, 2019
Drag Queen Story Hour with Miss Annie

A local actor – whose stage names include Annie Christ and Miss Annie – reached out to the Lansdale Public Library and asked to create Drag Queen Story Hour. During this storytime, books that highlight inclusivity called Sparkle Boy and Naked Rat Mole Gets Dressed, are read to the children and their families.

The reaction from those who claim to be concerned about children being indoctrinated into a subversive and unacceptable lifestyle was immediate and vocal.

On Groundhog Day, 2019, I was honored to take part in what was referred to as The Wall of Love. It was a call for support in our community on a frigid morning (think low, single digits with a bitter windchill). The fact that a few hundred counter protestors arrived to offer love in the face of fundamentalist ‘Christian’ protestors, for an event taking place inside the Lansdale Public Library, spoke volumes about the passion for social justice in this area.

In advance, we were asked to make signs that:
  •  Were family-friendly.
  •  Showed children’s artwork.
  •  Had rainbows, glittery images, hearts, etc.
  • Promoted books and movies you liked as a child – ones that help make the world a better place and open your mind to diversity.
  • Had words or images of diversity, love, and support.
  • Were free of hate language or profanity.

We danced, sang and chanted children’s songs. More than a few rounds of Baby Shark and Boom Chicka Boom were heard amidst the hate rhetoric on the other side of the street.

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