Home The Ultimate RelationshipLifestyle Don’t Wait for Tomorrow

Don’t Wait for Tomorrow

written by L Wayne Smalls April 17, 2019
Don't Wait for Tomorrow

Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow is promised to no one.

Don’t let your fears or doubts cause you to procrastinate your dreams away to a land of nowhere. Don’t permit your goals to be choked out by the weeds of fear. Don’t allow excuses to cause you to shy away from taking action.

Here is what I’ve learned: Procrastination is the mother of all failure. According to my friend and mentor John C. Maxwell, the longer you wait to start something, the less likely you are to ever start or complete it. Fear, which is the cousin of procrastination, is often the culprit when it comes to the reason why many people procrastinate. But fear is a mind-killer. It is like a little evil parasite that eats away at us on the inside. We must learn to face and control our fears, or they will certainly control us. Another cousin of procrastination is the excuse. Excuses are used by people who are usually incapable of completing a task.

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