Home Family & SocietyDivorce Divorce. The Death of Happily Ever After

Divorce. The Death of Happily Ever After

written by Dr. Eva Bell December 17, 2019
Divorce. The Death of Happily Ever After

Divorce today has become the most common psychosocial problem that assails the institution of marriage. It is the end of a dream of “living happily ever after,” and makes a mockery of the marriage vows of staying together “till death do us part.” Young people rush into marriage without proper planning or preparation. As Bernard Shaw said, “Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity.”

Think It Through

Before plunging into matrimony, couples would do well to ponder over the reasons for doing so. Are they looking for security? Or perhaps escape from parental domination? Do they find age catching up and fear they may have to spend the rest of their lives alone? Or is it really love and not just lust?

Pre-marital counseling would help examine their individual motives for marriage, their compatibility, and their expectations. Are they fit, ready, and qualified to make an unconditional commitment to another imperfect human being? Are they prepared for the emotional responsibilities of marriage?

A good marriage is built on the “Reciprocity Principle.”
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