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Disconnecting From Toxic Shame

written by Oliver JR Cooper August 21, 2020
Disconnecting From Toxic Shame

Oliver JR Cooper, shares why we sometimes disconnect from toxic shame and why it’s better to connect with our feelings than  avoid them.

Some feelings can be seen as being ‘positive’ and then there are those that can be seen as being ‘negative’. When it comes to how a feeling is perceived, it is likely to depend on the impact that it has on someone’s mood.

If a feeling causes one to feel good, it can be seen in a positive light, while the opposite is also true. Based on this, it could be said that certain feelings serve a purpose while others don’t.

Even though a feeling might not make someone feel good, it can provide them with important information. For example, they could end up feeling guilty, with this feeling potentially letting them know that they have done something wrong and need to make amends. If they didn’t feel this way, they wouldn’t know that they had done something wrong and they may continue to do the same thing.

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