Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerHealthy Relationship Different Ways of Communication in a Relationship

Different Ways of Communication in a Relationship


written by Mel Menzies September 28, 2018
Communication in a Relationship

Last week, I began a series of blog posts which are intended to be more than simply a swift read by an individual. So if you are part of a couple, read on. My aim, today, is to show you several ways of improving communication between you and your partner and, in the future, show how easy it is to understand your partner better and deepen your love for one another.

These exercises were devised some years ago when my other half and I used to lead family forums and marriage enrichment courses. But their relevance is as meaningful today as it was then. And they’ve preserved our marriage for nearly twenty-seven years!

In the last article, we looked at Partner-Pleasing: Knowing and Being Known. Today, I have something to say about daily sharing and the art of communication. And as I’ve recently joined Twitter and Facebook, it’s interesting to note what passes for communication these days (more of this later). First, a quote from Who Said What, pb Bloomsbury:

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