Home The Ultimate RelationshipFitness Detox and Exercise for Health and Longevity

Detox and Exercise for Health and Longevity

written by Marlene Watson-Tara January 15, 2021
Detox and Exercise for Health and Longevity

Detox and Exercise

All of my life, I have been in love with the concept of detox and exercise by keeping fit, flexible and energized, and have taught many aerobics classes (being the Jane Fonda of Scotland in the early 80’s with matching headbands and leg warmers…. Oh yes, I even had the hairdo! Lordy….). However, as my passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine deepened and I started my studies with Chiball, I have been in love with this beautiful way of working my body out daily. For decades, I continue to have energy of someone half my age, and Mr. Tara calls me his ‘energizer bunny.’

Detox and Exercise for Health and Longevity: Stretch with me daily on my video:

10 minute workout for weight loss with Marlene-Tara

Breathing Aids in Detoxification

The special abdominal breathing that is practiced in chi kung can regulate the body, mind, emotions, energy and spirit, all of which are interconnected. Most people already know that taking a deep breath through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth helps to reduce stress, demonstrating that regulating the breath can exert a calming effect on a restless mind and untamed emotions.

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