Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Combating The High-Maintenance Blues (+ Bonus Material)

Combating The High-Maintenance Blues (+ Bonus Material)

Part Two: The last five steps.

written by Maryanne Comaroto, PhD November 4, 2019
Combating The High-Maintenance Blues (+ Bonus Material)

In Part Two of this series, RD&T’s contributing writer, Maryanne Comaroto, PhD, shares the last five steps for combating The High-Maintenence Blues.

6) Be a conscious role model.

What are we saying to our girls? And what are we saying to our young men? This is a tough reality but well worth looking at. Are we saying that women are objects, that men should like this fake version versus the real? Did our mothers teach us nothing, did our grandmothers and sisters and all the women who fought for our freedom not teach us that we are enough? All I am saying is, be clear about one thing; they are not only watching, but they value what we value. And if we value what is false over what is real…do the math! This is just a reminder that how we present ourselves matters. I have to say, nothing is more beautiful to me than a woman who is naturally radiant, without a stitch of makeup, smiling and glowing like Mother Earth from the inside out! (For help with this, see number 5.)

7) If you don’t like it, lose it!

Here is my other favorite high-maintenance buster: If you don’t like how getting on the scale makes you feel most of the time, get rid of the scale (of course, by that I mean recycle). Give it up and stop making yourself feel bad! If you have some clothes that make you think your butt looks too big, lose those too! This is about self-love, not about reality boot-camp. As we strive to be aligned inside out, meaning that we feel connected to our higher selves and feel pleased with the unique way we look au naturel, we begin to notice certain habits just suck and trigger those old stories. If you are tired of being overweight or having flabby muscles either do something about it, e.g. start a self-care program, or accept what is and learn to love it! Often it’s the simple things like just making a decision not to be mean to ourselves today that make the difference! (Repeat Step One.)

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