Home Finding Your Life PartnerLaw of Attraction Change Your Energy in a Playful Way and It Will Change Your Life

Change Your Energy in a Playful Way and It Will Change Your Life

written by Dina Marais February 10, 2020
Change Your Energy in a Playful Way and It Will Change Your Life

To change your energy and change your life requires energy vibrational alignment to the clear vision of what you want to create. For most people it is something that seems impossible, but what if you can achieve that in a playful way?

You see, the difference between what you want and where you are now is your energy vibration as a result of your mind-body states – the emotions you experience.

If you are not tuned into the energy frequency of what you desire, you cannot attract it and allow it to show up in your life.

Radio Station Frequency

Why? Because everything about what you desire is vibrating at that energy frequency. It’s like listening to a radio station where you hear the host, guests, adverts, stories, music, etc. All that you hear on that radio station is related to that frequency of that radio station.

In the same way, your energy vibration is related to the opportunities, people, places, and results of what you attract.

If your awareness of consciousness is attuned to the energy vibration frequency of your desires, then opportunities will show up, people will show up, unexpected doors will fly open, and money will fall into your lap as if from nowhere!

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