The idea that money, generally, and the state of our finances, in particular, should be an essential contributor to our happiness seems obvious. When we handle money wisely and give it an…...
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Standing on the scale can give you one of the most nerve-racking moments – “What if I’m not losing weight?” “What if I can’t lose weight?” It’s the moment when…...
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Isolated protein, especially soy protein powder, is popularly blended into shakes and smoothies, but is this a healthful way to build muscle? The Problem With Protein Powders Protein intake, especially…...
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When a new year begins, we are gifted an amazing opportunity to reflect on our lives thus far. We consider the past 12 months, and begin to form a list of…...
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Everywhere I go, I see people who are lost. When I walk among crowds of people, they seem to be hurrying like busy bees, worker bees to their hives, doing…...
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As a child, I adored Nelson Mandela. In my decades of teaching, I have used this saying of his to remind me that when we focus on problems, we will…...
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For many of us with kids, heading back to school means stocking up on antibacterial pumps, wipes for the classrooms, and multivitamins – as well as endless runs for tissues.…...
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As oestrogen, “the chemical fountain of femininity,” declines in the menopausal years, complex changes occur in a woman’s body. This leads to a great deal of physical discomfort such as…...
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Over the past weekend, I had such an a-ha moment about how the circumstances we experience are the effect of what we have created by our thoughts, emotions, words, and…...
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