We live in a daze of information. I have a feeling that we always lived in some daze created by somebody or something influencing our minds, our free will, etc.…...
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Have you ever had the experience of being with someone who is crying over genuinely difficult situations, yet you felt no compassion for them at all – even if you…...
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Driving, directive, coercive styles of leadership may move people and get results in the short-term, but the dissonance it creates is associated with toxic relationships and emotions such as anger,…...
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The following piece is from our contributing author, Sharita Star. It outlines the numerological meaning of 2017, the first year in a new 9-year universal cycle. Reflect on 2017 to…...
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The word mask is described as an object normally worn on the face, typically for protection, disguise, performance or entertainment. However, the mask that I am talking about here is…...
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In order to build an audience, visibility is key for a service-based entrepreneur. You must build a list, a following, and gain clients. If you are not visible, you have…...
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When you were young, you learned ways to feel better when you were upset. The good feeling of relief built a pathway in your brain that helps you repeat the…...
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I’m certain that many of you can relate to the following question from Serena: I’ve noticed I’m extreme. When I look after my health, I don’t allow myself any unhealthy…...
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In the 1980s, knowledge workers, globalization, and computer networking went mainstream. The more connected workers felt to the office, the more pressure they felt to get ahead by staying on the…...
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