Many people develop anxiety disorders as a result of stressful work conditions. Toxic work environments or stressful tasks can create chronic stress and cause long-term physical and mental health issues for…...
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Whether you’re cheering for a new year, a sports team, or a birthday, it feels good. Could there be lasting benefits? Such benefits were reported by Nick Hornby in his…...
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I kid you not, I just created a miracle today. I’m at Starbucks now, writing this piece. In a few minutes, they are closing, and in a few hours, another…...
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As an intuitive person, I enjoy being in the company of others who tap into their own abilities as a way of helping folks expand their horizons and offer a…...
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Conventional medicine has a sad and dysfunctional relationship with nutrition. Growing evidence on connections between diet and disease means doctors are asked questions they have evaded for decades. Many of…...
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Want to try a little experiment? Stop breathing. Really. For a few seconds, maybe a few dozen seconds, and see how it feels. For me, this experiment is an intimate…...
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After a whirlwind month of milestone birthday celebrations, new business endeavors, a child with pneumonia and visiting out-of-towners, I have much to be resting over but also much to be…...
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Exercise is crucial for health and longevity. A huge study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in May 2016, on 1.44 million Americans and Europeans, has linked a high level of physical activity…...
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Whether it’s Valentine’s Day or you just attended a summer wedding, love is often on our minds. So when my inside-and-out beautiful friends at Kaia Fit asked me to guest…...
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If you’re looking for someone to change your life, you’re in luck. That person is YOU! As I’ve said before, life is short. It’s up to you to make your…...
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