This is part two of a two-part series. Find part one, here. The Neurology of the Aggregates Introduction What follows is a summary of the neurology that is associated with the psychology of the…...
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Introduction This article is about a foundational psychological skill: awareness of your body. What’s interesting is that this skill is also fundamental to most contemplative practices. Awareness of the body…...
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A to Z Toxic Ingredients in Food Ever wonder what’s really in the food sold at grocery stores around the world? People keep asking, “What ingredients should I avoid?” Here…...
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Reaching a goal triggers dopamine. That feels great, but the spurt soon ends. Then you become who you were before the spurt. If you’re not comfortable with that, you can…...
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Introduction “Metta” means lovingkindness. A beautiful way to compensate for the hard-wired tendency to fix our attention and affections on mainly one person, or small group of people, is to…...
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Relationships can provide a wonderful arena for healing love addiction. Many relationships flounder due to the issue of love addiction. Since people come together at their common level of woundedness…...
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Beliefs, attitudes and human behavior are the three metaphorical legs of a stable business stool. When the figurative stool is stable, we can trust to rest our lives and businesses…...
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It’s Not Difficult to go Vegan Going vegan is simply a choice you make. Many people live in their head and overthink the concept of where to begin. It’s easy:…...
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If you listen carefully, people will tell you who they are and how they think in a matter of minutes. They cannot wait to confide in you their world views,…...
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I wrote a blog some time ago about “Losing 5kg,” and guess what? It didn’t happen! Why? Because I didn’t realise that my body and mind had been taken over…...
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