As a lifelong advocate of health and wellness, my work has spanned four decades. It began when I was 12 years old. After school, I would merchandise the grains, beans…...
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By drinking peppermint tea every morning, I noticed positive changes right away. Here is my story: As a change from the traditional beach vacation, last summer I went to Los…...
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Do you say you want to be healthy, yet you continue to turn to various substance addictions? Do you believe that it’s just a matter of willpower? As we all know,…...
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What if there was one thing that you could do right now to immediately improve your ability to lead your household, work team or organization? What if I told you…...
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Integral to sound physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual wellbeing is the health and state of our brains. The brain is vital for quality of life and the most complex organ…...
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I remember it clearly: I was working my first teaching assignment and was counting the minutes until my lunch break. I could not wait to turn the lights off and…...
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There is a perception in our society that the longer hours one works the better one’s work ethic is and the more successful someone will be. But research shows that…...
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