There has been so much research done lately on why some people are wealthy and other people are not. What is the difference between people who lead wealthy lives and…...
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Research shows that optimists make risky investments, gamble, & postpone saving money. Optimism is a starry-eyed worldview about the future. It affects how each of us sees and responds to people…...
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The answer relies on a host of psychological and behavioral markers. I was at an academic conference recently where, as part of a group, I spent a great deal of time thinking…...
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The idea that money, generally, and the state of our finances, in particular, should be an essential contributor to our happiness seems obvious. When we handle money wisely and give it an…...
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Over the past weekend, I had such an a-ha moment about how the circumstances we experience are the effect of what we have created by our thoughts, emotions, words, and…...
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Even though unemployment is down and wage growth is up, statistical measures tracking the saving behavior of Americans show that people’s ability to save money hasn’t improved much. A 2018…...
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It is an inherent human urge to become more, live more and have more. An athlete wants to run faster, a professional wants to improve their knowledge and skills. Most…...
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Each method below provides a way to empower and improve your financial situation. If I asked you, “On a scale of 1-10, where 1 = ‘not at all financially vulnerable’…...
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Economic freedom is never an accident and comes from understanding and employing certain principles. It is possible to love what you do, add tremendous value to the lives of others…...
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World population is increasing. The number of full-time job vacancies is decreasing. Automation is reducing the number of lower-skilled jobs needed. Skills shortages will only get worse. Salaries and wages…...
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