Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Can “One Thing” Really be the Answer to Happiness?

Can “One Thing” Really be the Answer to Happiness?

written by G. Brian Benson June 27, 2019
Can “One Thing” Really be the Answer to Happiness?

Through the years, I have had the tendency to be pulled off my best path in thinking that “one thing” was the answer to my happiness. It could have come in the form of a woman (relationship), a job, a pull of the slot machine handle to cure my financial woes, or a finish line of an Ironman triathlon. More recently, it has come in the form of creative endeavors (writing books and acting). Don’t get me wrong, I have happily listened to my intuition as I created. I am grateful for all that has come through me. But, subconsciously, I was hoping that whatever I created would “spring me to the next level.” I had hoped that everyone would know who I was, love me, and clamor for more. It’s a bit embarrassing to even acknowledge it now, but I was looking for validation.

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