Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics Building Your Child’s Social Skills During COVID-19

Building Your Child’s Social Skills During COVID-19

written by Liz Matheis, Ph.D December 18, 2020
Building Your Child’s Social Skills During COVID-19

For over nine months now, we have been managing a pandemic and trying to stay healthy, physically. However, in the meantime, we have been isolated, and our children have been isolated. For many, this was a needed reset. For many, it has been difficult to stay away from friends and family. For our younger kids, this has been a confusing time. You may have or are actively seeing a regression in skills, an increase in meltdowns, clinginess, and sadness because she is not able to reach for hugs from friends and family members, and the confusion as to why it is not okay. With fewer opportunities for social interaction, our children’s social skills may also be regressing. This may be a good time to build your child’s social skills.

As a parent, you might be panicking after all the time and energy you spent collaborating with your child’s therapist and/or guidance counselor pre-pandemic. Take a breath — there are ways for you to continue to build your child’s social skills during this time.

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