Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics Building Respect in the Parent-Child Relationship

Building Respect in the Parent-Child Relationship

written by Laura Dabney, M.D. October 28, 2020
Respect in the Parent-Child Relationship

Do you think you have a disrespectful child?  How do you handle their behavior? It’s common to demand respect from your child, especially if they are being disrespectful. My advice: Don’t demand respect from your child because it doesn’t work. There are better ways to build respect in the parent-child relationship.

What Is Respect?

It’s common for parents to get the true meaning of respect mixed-up.

A lot of parents think any display of negative emotion is disrespectful. But it’s not!

If a kid stomps up the stairs, slams the door, or yells at their parent, and the parent responds with, “You’re not respecting me and my house.” This type of response is not doing you or your child any justice.

A parent’s job is to raise a man or woman who can handle relationships well.

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