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Break Past Emotional Roadblocks

Develop Your True Confidence

written by Patrick Ow December 6, 2018
Break Past Emotional Roadblocks

It’s really frightening to see so many people’s confidence smashed for various reasons. As a result, their motivation and inspiration are squashed. There’s really no reason why people should be in this state. Here’s the thing: You can only create a future that is bigger than your current circumstances when you have moved on from your past. People who are living in their past are not creating their desired future.

The hardest thing to do for most people is to break free from their past to create a bigger, better, positive future.

To do so, you must eliminate all the things that distract you from achieving your greatness. Hopefully, you can get to where you want to go a lot faster when you start focusing on the future rather than the past. If you don’t take any action, there is nothing to gain. Absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, as people age, they stop learning. They become more and more predictable and complacent. The only way we can live is to continuously grow. The only way we can grow is when we regularly change.

We change when we learn.

The only way we can learn is when we’re exposed to new things constantly. The only way we can become exposed to new things is when we are open to it and take a risk! Welcome all experiences, good or bad. You never know which ones will transform you into greatness!

Swimmers, for example, can train themselves to last more than five minutes without breathing. They practice exercises that help them hold their breath for much longer while swimming underwater. When we change our mindset with powerful learning and actions, we can, quite literally, transform our personalities and reset our behaviors by doing new and different things. Our body will either adapt or it’s going to try to go back to its original emotional safety. Hence, we need to reinforce our new behaviors constantly.

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