Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Believing in Ourselves

Believing in Ourselves

written by Donna Goddard March 25, 2019
Believing in Ourselves

Many people chastise themselves for not believing in themselves. Such belief is crucial to our development and happiness. However, the common approach to getting it is flawed and won’t help us. Mostly, what people really mean is to believe that they are better than other people, often, particularly people known to them.

Human nature constantly compares itself to others to work out how it is doing.

Our success in this venture will determine our self-esteem. The problem is obvious. There will always be people better than us in any area of life, so it is a never-ending path with only momentary success here and there. Further, what we give out returns to us in like. We will be living in an uncomfortable world where that which benefits one does not benefit all. There will be smiling assassins everywhere.

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