Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit Being Reachable and Teachable in 2019

Being Reachable and Teachable in 2019

Part Two

written by Sharita Star December 31, 2018
Being Reachable and Teachable in 2019

This is Part Two of a two-part series. See part one here.

The Planetary Channel for 2019’s Cycle: Jupiter

Numerology, like astrology, is directly guided by the archetypes of our planets from above. As we translate what planetary movement means for us down here, energetic patterns are always cycling amongst us. It is now time to shift into the understanding of Jupiter from the emotional, divine feminine, overwhelming, and healing space that the sensitive Moon’s archetype indicated would be symbolized within 2018. This 11/2 Universal Year required us to honor Feeling the Feminine.

Jupiter, as it influences the 3 energy, symbolically translates messages. These messages tell us to be open and willing to grow as we unite in the body, mind and spirit. We have to decide and commit to what makes us teachable to the fullest in order to envision the next 6 years. This will ultimately allow us to move forward successfully.

This is especially true for 2019. The honorable practice of bringing knowledge in, and being open to abundant energy coming into our habitual space, allows for the generosity and optimistic vibe of Jupiter to magically work with us to accelerate our learning experiences.

In 2019, taking any gamble in complete blind faith and not remaining a student, will not be well-supported.
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