Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Being Authentic Without Hurting Others

Being Authentic Without Hurting Others

written by John Amodeo, PhD, MFT February 6, 2020
Being Authentic Without Hurting Others

RD&T’s contributing writer, John Amodeo, shares how to find a middle ground where one can be authentic without hurting others.

The isolation and disconnection that is rampant in our society is based on a disconnection from our own genuine feelings and longings. We’re afraid to show what’s real, including our fears, insecurities, and yearning for love and intimacy. Instead, we may try to project a confident, self-assured, unruffled self that we think will win us friends and gain success.

For example, we might conceal our hurt or sadness when our partner is late. Our built-up disappointment or resentment might leak out later over some trivial incident, leaving our partner confused.

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