Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics Balancing the Unique Ups and Downs of Only Children

Balancing the Unique Ups and Downs of Only Children

written by Robert Taibbi March 31, 2020
Balancing the Unique Ups and Downs of Only Children

There’s a lot of writing and stereotypes about birth order. The steadfast first-born, the often-overlooked middle child, the spoiled baby. And then there is the only child, unique in his or her own way.

The Ups and Downs of Being an Only Child

From my perspective, here are some of the common upsides of being an only child.

They often become high achievers and good leaders. Many inherit the qualities of being driven to perform well and can take charge. And because they are only children, they usually have more opportunities to do so.

They are often conscientious. These are the reliable adults who you can count on to get the job done, who have and operate on strong values about what is right and wrong. That said, there can be outliers, those only children who don’t conform.

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