How often in a day do you place blame externally for not being the you that you want to be, or not having the things that you want out of life, or not being where you want to be in life? Or what about not being able to make the choices you would like to make, or not being happy enough, or not being able to live up to your full potential because of (insert all of your blame game excuses)…?
This exact notion was something that one of my clients just started to explore in her life, and I’m not going to lie, this sh*t is super heavy – to finally realize that YOU have control over your own life, that you have the ability to choose what you think, how you act, what you do every day, what job you have or don’t have, etc. It can also be quite empowering and can completely change your life if you can get over your own arrogance and ego to embrace it.