Home The Ultimate RelationshipFinancial Freedom Avoid These Dangerous Assumptions About Money

Avoid These Dangerous Assumptions About Money

written by Noah St. John May 15, 2020
Avoid These Dangerous Assumptions About Money

Here, RD&T contributor Noah St. John highlights four dangerous assumptions people make about money and how to avoid them.

Telling someone, “Don’t let money affect the rest of your life,” is kind of like saying, “Don’t let oxygen affect your breathing.” One is most definitely going to affect the other!

For most of my life, I was constantly worried about money. Every time I looked at my bank account (or even thought about it), I’d get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Now, when my coaching clients come to me with money worries, I tell them:

Money doesn’t CHANGE anything; it REVEALS everything.

Money is a magnifying glass.

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