Home Family & SocietyDivorce Are You Tired of Feeling Angry All The Time?

Are You Tired of Feeling Angry All The Time?


written by Martha Bodyfelt May 11, 2020
Are You Tired of Feeling Angry All The Time?

As you recover from your divorce and move on, there is one all-too-common emotion that causes you way more headaches than you need. Anger.  Being ticked off.  The persistent rage that will not leave you but could jeopardize your future relationships. To start with, there is something that you must remember:

Anger is a Thief

Don’t let it rob you of your chance to move on.

You work hard to maintain the things you love.  Think about. You probably keep your house or apartment nice and cozy, and you probably have homeowner’s insurance to protect it in case something happens to it. Your beloved heirlooms and the mementos you treasure are probably tucked away with the greatest of love and care.

You wouldn’t leave your door unlocked and invite a thief in to destroy those things in your home that you love, would you?

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