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Are You Doing Victim-Thinking?

To What Extent?

written by Dina Marais October 28, 2020
Are You Doing Victim-Thinking?

The extent that you are doing victim-thinking is the extent that you create your own suffering. One thing that is certain is that we all do this at some level, so let’s see if you can recognize yourself…

Last week in a coaching session with one of my clients, I had to stop her as she was talking herself deeper and deeper into her problem. She was carrying out her problem right in front of me: Overanalyzing and overthinking, rationalizing, blaming, and paralyzing herself into overwhelm trying to solve her problem from the same mindset that she created it with.

Einstein said that you couldn’t solve a problem with the same level of mind that created it.

It’s hard to believe but we become addicted to the emotions and drama of things going wrong. Your subconscious mind actually creates the circumstances for you to get your fix.

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