Home Finding Your Life PartnerFinding Love Over 40 Are Any Good Men Around When Dating After 50?

Are Any Good Men Around When Dating After 50?

written by Lisa Copeland September 25, 2020
Are Any Good Men Around When Dating After 50?

As you already know, attracting Mr. Right into your life can be a bit challenging. Unfortunately, growing up with fairy tales as children and romantic movies as an adult, you probably got an unrealistic picture of who men are and how they operate in the dating world.

Attracting “Mr. Right”

Just think Hallmark Movies. Your heart just pitter-patters when the couple falls in love, right? The movies make it seem as though chemistry, not getting to know someone is the secret for finding love. I know when I first started dating, I was definitely looking for Prince Charming to just show up on my doorstep.

In my dreams, he’d sweep me off my feet and take care of me forever financially and emotionally. Oh, and the other part of that dream was we would never argue. Funny dream and totally unrealistic for finding and keeping love in your life!

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