Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Anxiety Over the Meaning, Direction, and Quality of Your Life

Anxiety Over the Meaning, Direction, and Quality of Your Life

Part One: Create an Identity for Superhuman Performance

written by Patrick Ow February 27, 2019
Anxiety Over the Meaning, Direction, and Quality of Your Life

This is part one of a two-part series. Find part two here.

People can have a crisis over the meaning, purpose, direction, or quality of their lives. It usually occurs after years of increasing busyness, stress, or pressure. When a crisis occurs, these people are forced to re-evaluate their lives and take action.

Common terms that describe this life-changing event include quarter-life crisis, half-time crisis, or mid-life crisis.

People who experience a crisis often don’t know themselves very well. They lack the clarity as to who they are, their true purpose and identity.

Get Clear On Your Identity and Purpose

People do not plan to fail. They just fail to plan and live a purposeful life. When people fail to plan, they can experience more anxiety and stress over the meaning, direction, and quality of their life.

They may also experience an identity crisis.

When there is no purposeful plan in place for our lives, there will certainly be no control whatsoever over our destination and identity.

Proper planning helps people avoid a potential life crisis and live a purposeful life that they can be proud of.

It’s Your Choice to Have Superhuman Performance

Whether or not we need a crisis or renewal in our lives, it’s always good to constantly cultivate a mindset for achieving superhuman performance.

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