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Adult Relationships Reflect the Early Years

written by Oliver JR Cooper April 30, 2019
Adult Relationships Reflect the Early Years

If someone has the inclination to end up in relationships that are not very fulfilling or are even abusive, it can be normal for them to experience pain. Also, as a result of what keeps taking place, they can come to see themselves as unlucky.

This area of their life is then going to be more or less out of their control, meaning that there will be very little that they can do about it. Due to having this outlook, they may even have moments when they will feel like a victim.

External Support

If they have this outlook, one may find that there are plenty of people in their life who validate their view. A number of their friends, for instance, could also be in a similar position.

They can then get together and talk about how unfortunate they are and wonder when their luck is going to change. There is then going to be very little that they can do, as what is going on out there will be what needs to change.

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