Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit A Few Common Practices to Help Maintain Balance

A Few Common Practices to Help Maintain Balance

Release and Clear Your Space During Intense Emotional Triggers

written by Stephanie Jameson September 15, 2018
Common Practices to Help Maintain Balance

Hi everyone! I have been asked more than once what I do to help balance myself and release during times of triggering. So I thought I would put together a post that may help you. Some of these practices I do daily or weekly, and not just when I find myself needing release. I hope this information helps support you on your journey.

Clearing Your Space and Setting Intentions

Saging Rituals

Take a few moments daily, or at least weekly, to energetically clear your space. Saging is an excellent way to move out energy that is no longer serving you. If the smoke bothers you, sage spray is available for purchase as well.

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