Home The Ultimate RelationshipBusiness & Leadership Build Your Business, But Don’t Forget You Have a Life

Build Your Business, But Don’t Forget You Have a Life

written by Dina Marais February 3, 2021
Build Your Business, But Don't Forget You Have a Life

This morning I woke up again with a headache at 7 am after my six hours of sleep. I go to sleep late because I chat to my friends in the USA part of the world – the time difference is between seven and ten hours. Build your business, but don’t forget you have a life.

I don’t know why I have the headache. The only thing I can think of is withdrawal symptoms from the one, max two, glasses of wine I used to have in the evening since I decided to stop drinking wine for at least a month, a week ago. Fortunately, it dissipates easily enough once I get up and get moving.

We had coffee (my other addiction that I am working on consuming less of), and as I habitually sat down on the couch and lifted my laptop on to my lap to start my day working even though it was a Saturday, my husband said, “Let’s go for a walk.”  I thought, okay, it will only take half an hour.

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