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COVID-19 Parent Concerns and Plans for School

written by Liz Matheis, Ph.D January 13, 2021
COVID-19 Parent Concerns and Plans for School

We have been living with the fear of the coronavirus for almost a year. A year?! Our new normal has set in, and many of us find some glimpses of our old lives and relish it. I will never take any part of my freedom to leave my house, vacation, or socialize for granted. Ever. Many of you have expressed concerns and worries over your decision to send your kids to school or to opt for virtual learning only. And as a parent myself, I realize that the plans being made right now by our school districts are subject to change again and again, and possibly again. Covid-19 parent concerns are answered here.

You’ve shared your questions and concerns, and I hope this helps you to see that you are not alone. There is no right or wrong on this. It’s going to look and feel different no matter what.

Concern: My Child Will Fall Behind

As a parent of a rising high school junior, I worry about what ramifications another round of virtual learning will have on her year. From the rigorous academic schedule to the SAT prep, I am not sure that she will be prepared properly for all that comes with junior year and beyond.

Fortunately or unfortunately, all of our children are in the same boat with having lost instruction and preparation for the next grade or phase of their academic progress. I don’t believe that the same standards will be able to be maintained for our children as it is going to take time for the skills to be taught and developed post-COVID-19. The standards will change so that our children don’t have to be the ones to catch up. In other words, the system and its expectations will have to change in order to adjust for the time lost in school, in athletics, etc.

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