Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit Move Your Body

Move Your Body

Part Two: Essential Truths

written by Maryanne Comaroto, PhD January 14, 2020
Move Your Body

“Move Your Body” is the second of seven essential truths I have incorporated into my daily practices. As a result, instead of being consumed by self-loathing, plagued by anxiety or trying to cover up extreme insecurity, I live a healthy, fulfilling and blessed life.  You can too.

The ego-self loves thinking it is the Alpha and Omega. Alas, for it, there is a higher truth – if we have the courage to find it! I discovered this in a desperate attempt to get past my self-defeating patterns (and suffering).

Try as I might, my mind could only take me to a certain point. It was only when I dropped into my body-, belly- and heart-brain that I found real freedom of being, and came to understand the body as the center of intelligence.

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