Physical Arousal: The Desire to Be Desired
The one other universal determinant of female attraction is the desire to be desired. There are data and new conclusions suggesting that women are turned on by being wanted, by being desired. Personal experience backs this up; your single ability to be sexually assertive with women will determine 80% of your success with women.
If the perception of status leads her to be psychologically aroused, then the desire to be pursued leads her to be sexually aroused.
In layman terms, the perception of status and psychological arousal makes her want to be your girlfriend. However, sexual arousal makes her want to have sex with you right there and then.
Women don’t light candles and lay in bathtubs and fantasize about condominiums and cars. They fantasize about far stranger things. This goes against the conventional idea that female attraction is solely tied to ideas and displays of security, investment, and commitment.
This is why Fifty Shades of Grey sold millions of copies all around the world. It’s literally porn for women. Why does a woman get turned off by the man who asks for permission when taking off her clothes but get turned on by the male who doesn’t hesitate in the bedroom? Why are women reported to have rape fantasies?
So what does all of this mean for you and me?
If you’re afraid to ask her out, afraid to kiss her or touch her, it’s going to be a turn-off for her. It means that your inability to assert yourself socially and sexually is going to turn her off. I can’t tell you the number of times I screwed this aspect up in tons of micro ways possible.